Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?
What is it?
Black soap originated in West Africa, made with the locally sourced African plants. The process can take 2-4 weeks. The leaves and skins from the Shea nut tree for example are burnt into a potash. Water is then added creating a dark liquid. The resulting black liquid is filtered and strained removing any impurities. Once Shea butter is added to the mix, you have your basic black soap liquid or if you prefer, a month later the ingredients have set into a soap bar.
Potassium vs Sodium Hydroxide Lye: Sodium Hydroxide lye have a uniformed colour. Black soap’s potassium hydroxide results in a naturally soft, coloured version.
Most African black soap is ethically sourced and fair trade.
is it good for you:
The soap is unique as it doesn’t contain sodium
hydroxide (caustic soda) for lye. Instead the much more natural version is made
from the potash. It is rich in vitamins A, E and essential fatty acids.