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Covid19 Pandemic Beauty DIY tips while the country is on lock down: How to recreate a salon style facial at home

Posted by M&R Ventures on 3/24/2020
Covid19 Pandemic Beauty DIY tips while the country is on lock down: How to recreate a salon style facial at home

Beauty tips while the country is on lock down: How to recreate a salon style facial at home

Everything is closed, we are social distancing, covid19 has now stopped us leaving the house for many of the reasons we normally would, but we shouldn't stop pampering.

Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?

Posted by M & R Ventures on 3/12/2020
Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?

Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?

Used traditionally over centuries, as a natural remedy for all kinds of skin, hair and scalp related problems like Eczema, Acne, dry skin, blemishes and Psoriasis.  But what exactly is it? Why is this very natural product so much better for you.

SLS and Parabens: Why are they bad?

Posted by M&R Ventures on 3/10/2020
SLS and Parabens: Why are they bad?
Many hair care products include additives such as SLS and Parabens. We take a look in this post to find out what they are, and why they are bad.
Infographic included.

How to add volume to fine hair

Posted by M&R Ventures on 5/29/2017

How to add volume to fine hair

At M & R ventures, we believe that all hair types are beautiful – whether you have full, thick, luscious locks, or your hair is sleek and fine. However, we understand that if your hair is on the thin side you might look at elaborate interest up-dos with envy, filled with sadness that they’re difficult to re-create with hair that won’t stay in hold. If this sounds like you, there’s no need to despair – here are our tips on how to add volume to fine hair, with clever cleaning and some sneaky styling.

Assess your diet

We don’t want to sound like your parents at the dinner table, but eating well is actually very important when it comes to haircare. Iron is essential, so make sure to stock up on foods like spinach and kale. Research has suggested that biotin can also promote hair growth - the element can be found in bananas and eggs. Protein is also an important part of any diet, and can also go a long way to improving the thickness of your hair. While you won’t see an instant transformation, with small changes to your diet you could see big changes to your hair over time.

Indulge in a massage

Massages increase circulation and healthy circulation to your scalp can promote hair growth. You don’t have to do anything elaborate, giving your scalp a gentle massage for a few minutes a day could help you to see an improvement in the thickness of your hair.

Choose volumizing products

Let’s face it, there are a million and one different haircare products available on the market. It’s easy to get swept up in all the scientific jargon and forget what you really need. If you have thin, fine hair you should opt for volumizing products, but make sure not to go overboard. Adding too much product can be counterproductive, especially if you’re constantly adding to your roots. Add carefully selected product to the ends of your hair to see the best results.

Dry it the right way

The way you dry your hair will often effect the way it looks until your next wash, so it’s important to get it right! It’s always best to blow dry your hair upside down, so as to add volume to your roots. If you like curly and wavy styles, try ditching your drier when your hair is half dry and don’t be tempted to pick up the hairbrush! Simply scrunch dry with your fingers instead for beachy waves.

If you’re looking for the perfect haircare products to add to your selection to help your clients add volume to their hair without weighing it down, visit the M & R Ventures store.

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