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After Care for Dyed Hair: Tips and Tricks to Maintain Your New Colour!

Posted by M & R Ventures on 11/4/2022
After Care for Dyed Hair: Tips and Tricks to Maintain Your New Colour!
You just coloured your hair! You feel great and you're ready to show it off. However, colouring your hair can be a major decision and commitment, which is why proper aftercare is so important. Now that you've found the right hair colour, shade and tone for you, it's time to take care of your locks to make sure it stays healthy. 


1. Don’t wash your hair every day

One of the biggest mistakes people make when dyeing their hair is washing it every day. It’s important to keep your colour looking fresh for as long as possible, so it’s best to wash your hair with a colour-safe shampoo like Orange Flower Shining Color Shampoo once a week, or even every two weeks in between colour appointments. 

2. Use a colour-safe conditioner

It’s also important to use a conditioner that won’t dull your colour or strip the pigment from your strands. Colour-safe conditioners such as Orange Flower Shining Color Conditioner are specifically designed to help lock in your colour and give you healthy-looking locks. If you don’t have one in your beauty cabinet already, then check out our selection of the best products here

3. Change your comb 

Use wide-toothed combs or brushes to reduce friction on strands during brushing (and avoid breakage). Use a wide-tooth comb while blow drying to help prevent tangles as well!

4. Use heat protection spray before blow-drying

Heat styling can be really damaging to coloured hair – especially if you use hot tools on a daily basis! We love using Angel En Provence Grapefruit Thermal Protection Spray before blow drying because it protects against heat damage by creating an invisible barrier over dry or damp strands that prevents breakage and frizziness.

5. Feed your hair from the inside out 

Make sure you have a good diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins A and B12 as they nourish the hair and support its growth.

All things considered, it is important to take extra care of your hair after dying it. If you follow the tips and tricks above, your hair should stay in great shape for a long time to come. Share your feedback in the comments below. We'd love to hear what you think!

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