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Most Common Causes of Hair Loss (Including Stress) & How To Treat Them

Posted by M&R Ventures on 3/24/2020
Most Common Causes of Hair Loss (Including Stress) & How To Treat Them

There are many reasons why one might experience hair loss, hormones, vitamin deficiencies, stress, and more stress (covid19 pandemics and lockdowns). We talk more about why and what you can do.

Covid19 Pandemic Beauty DIY tips while the country is on lock down: How to recreate a salon style facial at home

Posted by M&R Ventures on 3/24/2020
Covid19 Pandemic Beauty DIY tips while the country is on lock down: How to recreate a salon style facial at home

Beauty tips while the country is on lock down: How to recreate a salon style facial at home

Everything is closed, we are social distancing, covid19 has now stopped us leaving the house for many of the reasons we normally would, but we shouldn't stop pampering.

Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?

Posted by M & R Ventures on 3/12/2020
Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?

Black Soap: What is it? Why is it good for you?

Used traditionally over centuries, as a natural remedy for all kinds of skin, hair and scalp related problems like Eczema, Acne, dry skin, blemishes and Psoriasis.  But what exactly is it? Why is this very natural product so much better for you.

SLS and Parabens: Why are they bad?

Posted by M&R Ventures on 3/10/2020
SLS and Parabens: Why are they bad?
Many hair care products include additives such as SLS and Parabens. We take a look in this post to find out what they are, and why they are bad.
Infographic included.
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